Faculty of Medicine
50th Reunion of Meds 5T6
WANTED: Nostalgia Photos
We'd like to post photos of:
  • classmates and staff engaged in various activities (serious, non-serious) during our school years
  • old campus and hospital buildings that are no longer there
  • anything else you think might evoke a chuckle or a tear

Please send scanned image files (any size) along with a note with names of people, the scene & approx. date to webmaster Laurie Naiman as soon as possible. (Prints are aso acceptable, and will be returned if requested.) Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks to the Bernies (Bronstein & Langer), Newt Markus, Jack Morgan & Tom Patterson for their submissions, which can be seen on the Memories pages.


Updated: Mar 20, 2006